Friday, February 25, 2011

Last fall, while “making time” heading to South Dakota from Wisconsin, we were approaching the town of Pipestone, MN. and we discovered there was a National Monument in the town. Being we are great fans of our wonderful National Park System we decided to check it out. Not only did we find a Nat’l Monument but also a really unique little town. The town contains 20 historic buildings built in the time period of 1880-1900 and all are made of the beautiful Sioux quartzite. The Pipestone County Courthouse (below) is a wonderful example of the beauty of the stone. The courthouse itself is basically a 100 x 75 foot rectangle, with a 110 foot renaissance dome topped by a bronze figure of “Justice,” which gazes north over the city. The tower features four clock faces, permanently set at different times.

The Pipestone National Monument is a “must see”. For countless generations, American Indians have quarried the red pipestone found at this site. These grounds are sacred to many people because the pipestone quarried here is carved into pipes used for prayer. Many believe that the pipe’s smoke carries one’s prayer to the Great Spirit. Indians used many pipes but those made from redstone were the most esteemed. Today only Native Americans are allowed to quarry the redstone and visitors are encouraged to watch live demonstrations of pipes and crafts being carved. Also do not forget to take the walk through the coteau prairie back to a great view of Winnewissa Falls…..a very enjoyable and easy walk.

Besides the wonderful architecture and Pipestone Nat’l Mon.. the town has a lot to offer from Native American History to the latest in wind technology with over 1000 wind turbines located in southwest corner of Minnesota.

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